
Venous Leg Ulcer

Venous Leg Ulcer

A venous ulcer is a sore on the leg that heals slowly because of weak circulation. The ulcer can take a few weeks or years to heal. Serious problems can develop if the ulcer is not treated.


Venous leg ulcers usually happen around bony areas (like the ankle). The ulcer will develop when there’s a break in the skin and the veins in the leg being to backflow. This will build up pressure at the end of the leg causing an ulcer to develop.


The most common signs of a venous ulcer are swelling, itching or burning around the infected area. Other symptoms include:

  • Rash and dry sin
  • Stinky fluid
  • Brown discoloration
  • Swelling or redness
  • Fever
  • Pus
  • Worsening pain

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